capacity to act中文什么意思

发音:   用"capacity to act"造句
  • capacity:    n. 1.包容力,吸收力,收容力。 ...
  • act:    n. 1.行为;举动;动作。 2.决 ...
  • capacity for act:    行为能力
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  1. He used his mental capacity to act as raconteur and juicy gossipmonger
  2. In order to conceal the fact that the carrian group was the real beneficiary behind the deals , the carrian chairman made his staff set up various companies in their private capacities to act as loan applicants
  3. In this dissertation , the european union ' s capacity to act internationally ( eu ' s ctai ) is defined as the internal and external , subjective and objective conditions for eu as an international actor to conduct activities on the world stage so as to deal with external environment , to manifest its power , to play its role , to exercise its influence , to achieve its objectives , and to maintain its interests based on its whole strategy , and the outcomes of its activities
  4. The law specified by article 6 or 7 shall govern the validity of the trust , its construction , its effects , and the administration of the trust . in particular that law shall govern - a the appointment , resignation and removal of trustees , the capacity to act as a trustee , and the devotion of the office of trustee
    按照公约第11条,符合以上述标准所选定的国家的法律设定的信托,应该认定为信托,其结果至少应该包括两点,即: 1信托财产构成分别的资金2受托人凭他的受托人身份能起诉或被诉。


  1. capacity test 什么意思
  2. capacity test data report 什么意思
  3. capacity testing 什么意思
  4. capacity threshold 什么意思
  5. capacity time lag 什么意思
  6. capacity to action 什么意思
  7. capacity to be a party 什么意思
  8. capacity to bear loss 什么意思
  9. capacity to borrow 什么意思
  10. capacity to combat natural adversities 什么意思


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